Unfolded is a series of white porcelain planter pots. Hayden Youlley casts these forms by hand in porcelain clay. The exterior surface of the planters are decorated with unfolded origami toys. The intricate folds of the paper planes and chatterboxes remind us of care and precision taken on each fold to make these toys as children and the fun we had playing with our own creations.
Unfolded is a series of porcelain pot plants. They are covered with unfolded toys we played with as children. The intricate folds of the unfolded paper planes and chatterboxes remind...
Unfolded is a series of porcelain pot plants. They are covered with unfolded toys we played with as children. The intricate folds of the unfolded paper planes and chatterboxes remind...
Unfolded is a series of porcelain pot plants. They are covered with unfolded toys we played with as children. The intricate folds of the unfolded paper planes and chatterboxes remind...
Unfolded is a series of porcelain pot plants. They are covered with unfolded toys we played with as children. The intricate folds of the unfolded paper planes and chatterboxes remind...